Women of Vision was selected as the charity for the Gauteng Quilting Guild for the period 2013, and we have had an amazing support from many of the groups belonging to the guild. From the collection of over 200 children’s tracksuits to the donation of handmade quilts, our children have been extremely blessed with many handmade items. In November, the guild paid us a visit and had presents for everyone, including over 70 handmade bags for the women in our Women’s Shelter. These bags were filled with items, such as deodorant, sweets and a magazine. Needless to say, the bags were such a hit, that many people were wanting to place orders to buy them. Our crèche children each received a present as well which included a stationary pack in a homemade pencil case. Not forgetting the Rainbow Children’s Safe Home, they were also spoilt with homemade items. Nothing beats making something from scratch and with so much love. A warm and sincere thank you the Quilting Guild for supporting us so generously this year.