On the 23rd May 2014, Women of Vision hosted their 2nd annual Women of Vision Charity Golf Day at the Wanderers Golf Course. Although the morning was a little nippy, the course soon warmed up with wonderful shots, great company and good laughs!! Our golfers started off the day with an Apple Sours shot to get them going, and although this apparently didn’t help some golfers with their tee-offs, they were certainly in high spirits. We had 20 four-balls playing this year, and although this was 9 four balls short from last year, the day was still filled with lots of activity and laughter. Holes no 6 and 12 provided them with snacks and refreshments sponsored by Kentz Pty Ltd and Hole No 17 provided an opportunity for the golfers to have a friendly competition amongst their four-ball. For a minimal fee of R50, they could enter closest to the pin within their four-ball. The prize was a free shoulder and neck massage by the Hands on Treatment ladies. After a long day on the course, the golfers had an opportunity to make a donation for a shoulder and neck massage. This was followed by drinks at the bar and dinner in the main dining room. Prize giving was a wonderful affair, with each four ball getting a prize – however, if you did get the lowest score, then it was air balls for your four-ball!! More practise I think is needed gentlemen! But your contribution will always be appreciated. Prize giving was followed by the Auction, which reached a record R50 250. A huge thank you to the following companies that sponsored these prizes – The Cavern Drakensberg, Sun International, The Hyatt Oubaai, Pinnacle 3 Ball Trust and Kentz (Construction Business Unit). Our grand total this year was R120 286.00 (which was R100 more than last year) – considering we had 36 less people playing golf, we certainly did very well. This could never be possible without the help of all the volunteers at the golf day – Maria, Rika, Saurell, Ann, Caron, Claudia, Teresa and Sophie. A huge thank you also goes to Chris Elfick for being our Master of Ceremonies and our Auctioneer. But most importantly, to all those that played, those that contributed to the prizes list, the auction prizes or those that made donations – we could never have reached this total if it wasn’t for all of you. Thank you and God Bless you all for your support. For a list of all our sponsors please click here.